He will be remembered feature of WhatsApp then we can send your location to friends, but now the company is preparing to move a step further. It is possible that in the coming days that you guys can live tracking, the app is just like a cab.
Android and ios beta version of WhatsApp is a testing under which you'd like to track your location can send another. Duty must always where you are going and when you want to track your path, you can share your location with anyone. He shares that you can keep an eye on each and every moment.
Status Indicator
Besides the location tracking feature of WhatsApp to name its beta version, the status indicator is also testing. A leaked screenshot is showing a new tab in the status of the name. According to reports in this feature if anyone in your contact status change notification will come to you now. Which was not possible before.
In fact, Facebook acquired WhatsApp is so obvious that Facebook will add a feature to WhatsApp. But if that happens, then that might be filled with your WhatsApp alerts and you start to worry.