February 01 was claimed in an online report that whenever a person would screenshots of your WhatsApp chat, a user will get its information. According to the website based humor 8shit, WhatsApp has launched a new feature.
Jain, CEO of KOM citing bogus website wrote "Its functioning is quite simple, you just have to Like the blue tick. Then you activated by default
However, if you take another screen shot of the conversation, it will get your information. If it will be unchecked, then the notifications will not have any.
Option will. If it has been selected, then takes a screenshot of your conversation, then you will get the information.
However, if you take another screen shot of the conversation, it will get your information. If it will be unchecked, then the notifications will not have any.
It was the news went viral on social media. People were shocked to learn about it and to share it with others were snapshots. Many other websites and Facebook pages without checking the validity of the news it has been shared.
Pakistani news websites also shown indiscriminately. However, the CEO com Jain was not issued a statement about it. Also, WhatsApp's official blog are no reports of such.
Forms written a satire and humor 8Shit 8shit announced on a news website. Imagine all of its contents (the "serious" category, except under the written report) is based and it should not be taken as real. All references, names and marks or as elements of relevant institutions in this website has been used, as it is a novel or a science fiction story.