Samsung has reportedly reduced the price of Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime 32GB smartphone, according to Manish Khatri of Mahesh Telecom, a Mumbai based mobile phone retailer. The device has got a price cut by Rs 1,410 and will now be available at Rs 13,490. The Galaxy J7 Prime 32GB smartphone was launched last month at Rs 14,900.
The reatiler announced the price cut via its social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter) and has stated that the "#SamsungJ5Prime (32GB) NEW PRICE -13490/- only". However, there is no official confirmation from Samsung regarding the same. Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime comes in Gold and Black color.
As far as specifications are concerned, the Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime comes with a full metal body and a 5-inch HD (720p) display, It is powered by a Exynos quad-core processor, which is paired with 2GB RAM. The Galaxy J5 Prime comes with 32GB of internal memory, which can be further expandable up to 256GB via a micro SD card. The smartphone runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and is backed by a 2,400 mAh battery.
On the camera front, Galaxy J5 Prime flaunts a 13-megapixel rear camera with f/1.9 aperture and an LED flash, and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera with f/2.2 aperture for selfies and video chats. The smartphone also has a fingerprint sensor that is integrated into its home button. Besides, the smartphone offers dual-SIM slots, 4G with VoLTE support, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and a micro USB port.
The reatiler announced the price cut via its social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter) and has stated that the "#SamsungJ5Prime (32GB) NEW PRICE -13490/- only". However, there is no official confirmation from Samsung regarding the same. Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime comes in Gold and Black color.
As far as specifications are concerned, the Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime comes with a full metal body and a 5-inch HD (720p) display, It is powered by a Exynos quad-core processor, which is paired with 2GB RAM. The Galaxy J5 Prime comes with 32GB of internal memory, which can be further expandable up to 256GB via a micro SD card. The smartphone runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and is backed by a 2,400 mAh battery.
On the camera front, Galaxy J5 Prime flaunts a 13-megapixel rear camera with f/1.9 aperture and an LED flash, and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera with f/2.2 aperture for selfies and video chats. The smartphone also has a fingerprint sensor that is integrated into its home button. Besides, the smartphone offers dual-SIM slots, 4G with VoLTE support, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and a micro USB port.